Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Breaking Through the Veil

As you come upon a new door to open, do you hesitate?  Do you quietly approach and listen first, fearing what may be on the other side?  Why not knock and see who opens that door?  If you have even a modest amount of faith in your own power as a divine being, you will be pleased to note that there is always something wonderful waiting for you on the other side!  It is like a patronage to a holy site, when you come and knock on that door that is inside of you.  You are paying homage to the One who always is available and is always there to open that door to you.   Why do you wait until you are sad, lonely, rejected or hurt to come crawling to the door?  When you have someone here who is ready and open for you to come inside and receive love, tenderness, compassion and healing.  Someone here is ready to give you everything you could possibly want and all you have to do is come and get it!  You see?  There is really no mystery any more about who you are or where you stand in the great mystery of Life.  There is nothing more to know right now other than you are being held, suspended by a life force that is benevolent, loving and kind.  It has only one thing to ask of you and that is, that you become who you are.  Awaken now to the person, the being you are inside of you.  And as for this discussion, we will remind you quickly:  faith filled and ever present in the Now you are both male and female, negative and positive, hard and soft, Yin and Yang.  Both the old and the young, the new and the experienced. You are the Alpha and the Omega.  Both sides of all that is are You.  Here and Now I charge you with being this in reality, in the flesh.  Embrace all of You.

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