Friday, December 23, 2011

A little reminder from the Angelic Community

Love is and so are you.  Divinity exists in all things – and so do you.  You are divine.  You are holy.  You are also a creation of Divinity’s mind.  You see, just as you would imagine a picture that you paint, Divinity or Love created you as a reflection of its thoughts and meanderings.  Just as you would want to capture an essence, a feeling or just something beautiful, so has Divinity created you.  You are not alone and never can be alone.  It is impossible to think of the concept “alone” for us.  It simply does not compute!  For even when you are stranded on a desert island, you are among friends.  The sands, the waters, the fish, the trees, the birds, the sunshine, the oxygen molecules are all with you.  And that is just on the physical realm or level!  Stop for a moment and consider where you are among the stars, among the spirit world.  Please understand there is nothing more important for you to know right know than that you are not and never can be alone, unassisted or unsupported.  That is simply impossible.  Is a drop of water alone?  No, because it can be evaporated back into the atmosphere from which it was formed and be used again to create another raindrop.  Matter is neither created nor destroyed – it simply IS and always will be.  You are no different.  Your energy, your spirit is like the drop of water. 
Give thanks for your uniqueness, and share your talents with others. Serve humanity and the earth.  Many Blessings!
The angels

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

My Declaration of Divinity

Okay, so you've been listening to Talk-n-Angels Radio Show and you hear me talking about how the angels and guides have given me direct downloads of wisdom and understanding.  I have heard their messages.  I talk to them every day.  I fully understand their love for us and God's love for us.  Now it's time for me, Rita Strough, to make my own declaration of Divinity.

I hold these truths to be self evident, that all people are Divine Beings, infinitely perfect, timeless, free, intelligent, whole, fully supported, blessed, cherished, and loved beyond human capacity to understand love.

I am a divine being, and so are you.
I am beautiful, and so are you.
I am powerful, and so are you.
I am filled with light and love, and so are you.
I resonate peace, and so do you.
Living here, now, I vow to pay attention to everything in my experience:  my thoughts, my feelings, my desires.  I vow to listen with attention and to speak thoughtfully knowing that words are most powerful when spoken with intention.

I vow to give of myself every day, freely and joyously, knowing that this could be my last day here on earth. 

I devote myself to seeing the best in people and situations. 

We are born here to learn, to love and to be angels to one another. 

I choose to live in Love and imagine a world filled with peaceful beings, cooperating in harmonious unity, to fulfill our dreams, fully engaged with our spiritual family of angels and light beings, enjoying our duality of heaven and earth, spirit and flesh, co-creating our world. 

Set forth this day, December 6, 2011
Rita J. Strough