Thursday, August 9, 2012

Heavenly Human

Salvage the pieces of your humanity.  Bring them up to the surface, brush them off and clean them.  Reassemble them into the being of the earth that you are.  Remember this always; as you are from above, you are also from below. The earth and the wind move through you in great gusts and upheavals.  The winds blow through your hair and lift your breath up to the heavens.  With this breath you create.  Through your words, and your thoughts, you create all that is.  All that ever was and all that will be.  Breath is the life force that moves through you, just as the winds carry seeds to distant parts of the planet so that new life can grow, so too your words carry forth on the winds and bring new life wherever they land.

Trust us when we tell you this:  there is no greater service you can give to mankind but to utter beautiful and uplifting words to one another.  Be kind in your choice of words, think thoroughly before speaking and give great power and energy to your words.  Invocations call up the energies of the Universe to aid and assist you.  Do not question this!  This is how the Divine works and flows through you.  Your words, your thoughts and your intentions are very, very powerful.  They can be destructive or they can be constructive.  Give yourself this knowledge now and allow yourself to invoke us for your healing and education; enlightenment is a breath away.

Let your feet trod the earth with mindfulness and let each step that you tread upon the fertile ground plant the energy of love.  Do a love walk where you consciously imprint on the earth your steps, consciously invoking love to flow through you into the earth and to impart to the planet that love which can and does spread to others who follow in your footsteps.  This is the ladder of love that all can climb to reach the heavens.  It is metaphorical, and yet it is so very real. I am Metatron, and I ask that you invoke me at your next meeting, gathering and radio transmission.  I will ask you to speak this message out to the world.  Love is everlasting and transformative to the world.  And now is the time to recognize this and claim it as your own.  Be faith filled in your endeavors, to know that your hands are the hands of God. Your mouth utters the words, the magic that transforms death to life.  You breathe and it awakens the world to the wonder of the magic you possess.  Be alive in your birthright, divine beings!

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