Thursday, April 19, 2012

Leave Room for Spirit to Work For You

It's important not to get attached to the outcome of any prayer or request. You have to leave room for Spirit to work for you. If you try to narrowly define your wants and desires, then get attached to the outcome and fret when things do not come to you as you imagined it, you find yourself suffering disappointments. It is best to ask for what you desire from the standpoint of a feeling. For example, instead of saying I want to be independently wealthy and not have to work a day in my life, you could say, I desire to have days filled with activities that bring me joy and I expect all my material needs to be taken care of. This way, you're not expecting an outcome of either a lottery winning or a huge windfall from some speculative venture, but rather letting the Universe take charge of how to make you feel a true sense of freedom in whatever way It wants to make that happen for you.

If you have to question whether or not what you want is "good" for you, then you are judging yourself or not being honest with yourself. What you want is what you want. Plain and simple. If what you want is a specific person, you will have difficulty detaching from that outcome because that person has become a focal point and we cannot impose our will on another soul. In other words, you have left the Universe no avenues to give you what you want, which is a person with whom you can share an intimate loving relationship. To exclude other options is to be heavily attached to outcome which again, brings continual disappointment and frustration. It's like saying to the Universe, "I know more than you do! Now give me what I want!" None of us can ever know what is ultimately best for us. We can only follow our feeling to a place of authenticity and honesty.

This is the "map" in your heart. What we all ultimately want is to feel good, to feel loved and appreciated, to be free to engage in activities that give us joy, and to share that joy with others who we love and who love us in return. No person or situation can give you that. It arises from knowing who you are from within and trusting that by following what feels good to you is the right direction.

1 comment:

  1. Very good Reet or in other words "Don't Expect an Outcome" remember in January I sed my mantra was going to be "Expect nothing, Accept only Joy" exactly if we do something in hopes of expecting a certain outcome we will only get disappointment if it does not go exactly how we expected it to. So in all things see some Joy in them you will never be disappointed again! My brother in law Steve's death... how can I find joy, well he brought me such a wonderful delight in his wife, Diane! I now have her friendship and she is even coming to stay with us tonight for a couple days, we are so delighted and will totally EN Joy her visit. Thanks for "Y~O~U"
