Monday, April 30, 2012

Take a Page from an Old Crone

You need only ask an old crone about life to learn what has become important and what is irrelevant.  When you reach older years, you become suddenly more in tune with yourself than at any other time in your life.  This is the blessing of old age.  For while the body may begin to break down or deteriorate, and while the abilities seem to lessen and the disabilities seem to increase, there is a dawning awareness that comes over you.  Do not fear aging.  For aging is the most precious gift you can receive.  When you are allowed to make the journey into these aged times, when you can begin to count the decades of your life on both hands, then you are in a very formidable position.  You can look at the events in your life, the good and the bad and you can see where you have made mistakes.  You can see where you have appreciated the good and when you have missed something that would have been cherished given another opportunity to live at that time in your  life.

Bring all your awareness to who you are at this time of life.  A person who has made and met many a challenge can speak from authority and knowing.  An elder is to be respected and listened to for the wisdom they impart.  For only they know the secrets of a happy life.  It can come about at any age, but it is more pronounced as you age and lose the agility and physical beauty of the outer physical body.  As you learn to lean on others for support and assistance a great measure of grace is bestowed upon you.  You are humbled. 
Take your moments as they come.  One by one.  Measure them against your heart and see where they give you joy.  Where they give you sorrow, search for the meaning of that sorrow.  Search for the lining that is around that experience which gives it a glow. For in those times when you have suffered or cried, it is precisely in those times that God has held you so very, very close.  The father does this for you. And the Mother gives you her back on which to climb upon for support, stability and nurturing.  When you feel low, hug your Mother Earth.  Give it all to her for transmutation.  She is as old as time and as enduring as all eternity.  The mother is the physical.  The father is the spiritual.  Together, they made you!  Celebrate who you are at any age and learn.  Be at peace in the present moment with who and what you are, what you have become and what you have yet to experience.  It is never  over, this journey called life.  It continues.  And you continue.  Keep smiling :-)

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Leave Room for Spirit to Work For You

It's important not to get attached to the outcome of any prayer or request. You have to leave room for Spirit to work for you. If you try to narrowly define your wants and desires, then get attached to the outcome and fret when things do not come to you as you imagined it, you find yourself suffering disappointments. It is best to ask for what you desire from the standpoint of a feeling. For example, instead of saying I want to be independently wealthy and not have to work a day in my life, you could say, I desire to have days filled with activities that bring me joy and I expect all my material needs to be taken care of. This way, you're not expecting an outcome of either a lottery winning or a huge windfall from some speculative venture, but rather letting the Universe take charge of how to make you feel a true sense of freedom in whatever way It wants to make that happen for you.

If you have to question whether or not what you want is "good" for you, then you are judging yourself or not being honest with yourself. What you want is what you want. Plain and simple. If what you want is a specific person, you will have difficulty detaching from that outcome because that person has become a focal point and we cannot impose our will on another soul. In other words, you have left the Universe no avenues to give you what you want, which is a person with whom you can share an intimate loving relationship. To exclude other options is to be heavily attached to outcome which again, brings continual disappointment and frustration. It's like saying to the Universe, "I know more than you do! Now give me what I want!" None of us can ever know what is ultimately best for us. We can only follow our feeling to a place of authenticity and honesty.

This is the "map" in your heart. What we all ultimately want is to feel good, to feel loved and appreciated, to be free to engage in activities that give us joy, and to share that joy with others who we love and who love us in return. No person or situation can give you that. It arises from knowing who you are from within and trusting that by following what feels good to you is the right direction.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Natural Teachers

Show yourself to us and we will gladly take you up, higher than you have ever been, to a place where all of Nature is displayed in her perfection and glory.  As the eagle flies high above the clouds, we can sing also to you of our love for the sure footed beasts of the earth who roam and prey upon one another in an endless search for survival. But the eagle stands out as a testament to what you can achieve.  When first motivated by a higher purpose, you begin to stretch your wings and, not knowing what lies beneath you, taking a leap of faith into the air hoping and wondering how you shall become one with the wind and use it to float effortless on its buffets and gales.  So we say to you now: Achieve this feeling of the freedom that the eagle offers to you.  Our feathers are worn into the pattern for which they serve the highest purpose, flight up to the higher realms.  This is why you have pictured us such, with large full feathered wings that give the impression of flight, but ours is not the flight of the eagle, but the flight of energy and light, higher into the realms from which we all must return some day.

Take heart, dear ones, you have to understand that all life is created for you to enjoy and for you to savor. And there comes with it also  a gradual wearing away until the body is no longer able to support your spirit and it too gives way into the great bosom of earth.  For all of us have this within us, to live fully, fly high as the eagle; see the totality of all that is and to begin once again the climb to even higher levels of understanding and love.  Be brave and follow your heart.  It is only here one time now this moment to insure your happiness and continued travels.  Live in the moment with your friends in nature, the bird and the dolphins, the mammoth and the dinosaur.  All came and will go to into another form.   Evolve along this path, and see yourself reflected in the nature that surrounds you.

For as the birds build their nest and raise their young, they drink from the fountain and eat what they find.  You are the same and also different.  Your thoughts give rise to perceptions of problems, insufficiencies.  You are the only ones who do this.  The beings in the natural world go on, without a shadow of a doubt as to their ability to BE now.  Live like this and see yourself in those beings.  Strive to be like them.  You are supported and loved immensely.

Go hug a tree!  Love, love, love, to you from above.  The Angels.