Friday, March 21, 2014

An Amazing Realization

Friday, March 21, 2014

First day of Spring!  Finally!! Yay!!
I can see the green coming up for my bulbs out front and the wet smell of rain soaked earth is full of vigor and life! Praise be to God for the glory all around us!

When I awoke this morning, I felt sluggish and slow.  But as my body warms to the familiar movement of my muscles and I dress to begin my day, the weariness gives way to energy and joy, for even on this day as I struggle drunk with slumber to place my feet into my slippers, I am happy!
Today is a gift from Father God and I am blessed!
I will remember all that must be remembered today and I will find more time in my day than I realized I had.  My body is a blessing and gives me such joy in the easy way it moves me from place to place.

Even in my heart, I am light and free, for I have made the connection with my Divinity and I am living in the harmony of that reality where all needs are met, all desires are granted, and all love is pervasive in my experiences.

By vibrating higher I cast doubt on lack, illness and suffering.  By my own free will and the grace of God I am free of the illusion of Man.  I have finally transcended Maya, the false reality, and am living in heaven on earth.

Joined together with my angels and guides and given audience with the Masters, I am a vehicle for Divine interpretation of earthly life.  My mission is to speak this truth and to lovingly console those who have yet to reach the border of crossing over into the 5th dimension of reality.

It is being inspired in me by the great minds and hearts of God that live in countless teachers and gurus and prophets and miracle workers.  It is given to me by the saints and sages, the Masters of human reality who know the secret understanding and who open the door to those who are capable of understanding.

I have been shown, given experiences to build my faith and now as Joseph Campbell said, "I have not faith, but experience" to fall back upon.  Once Faith was there for me when the validations were few, but now the truth is all around and I know who I Am!  A Divine Being, Child of God, Heir to my Throne!  I Accept!

Tuesday, March 19, 2013


Marriage is not for the faint of heart. It requires much of those who are brave enough to venture into this union of hearts. 

Beyond commitment, beyond fidelity, intimacy and trust, there is the knowing that as you each grow older, you must stay very connected to each other. Intend to grow together. Be willing to let your partner be who they are without trying to change them or mold them to your desires. Talk constantly. Fight if you must to keep the communication going. Don't be silent. For when you are silently holding in resentments or questions, you are building the basis of alienation and stagnation. 

You have to prod each other along the way. Keep dreams alive. Talk about them to each other. Envision your future as big and as bright as you can and lean on each other for support. Don't put your dreams on hold. Incorporate them into every decision you make. Invite him to share your dreams with you and go willingly into his. This is how to keep a marriage growing. It is no different than a garden. You have to keep up with it, or it gets "weedy".

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Heavenly Human

Salvage the pieces of your humanity.  Bring them up to the surface, brush them off and clean them.  Reassemble them into the being of the earth that you are.  Remember this always; as you are from above, you are also from below. The earth and the wind move through you in great gusts and upheavals.  The winds blow through your hair and lift your breath up to the heavens.  With this breath you create.  Through your words, and your thoughts, you create all that is.  All that ever was and all that will be.  Breath is the life force that moves through you, just as the winds carry seeds to distant parts of the planet so that new life can grow, so too your words carry forth on the winds and bring new life wherever they land.

Trust us when we tell you this:  there is no greater service you can give to mankind but to utter beautiful and uplifting words to one another.  Be kind in your choice of words, think thoroughly before speaking and give great power and energy to your words.  Invocations call up the energies of the Universe to aid and assist you.  Do not question this!  This is how the Divine works and flows through you.  Your words, your thoughts and your intentions are very, very powerful.  They can be destructive or they can be constructive.  Give yourself this knowledge now and allow yourself to invoke us for your healing and education; enlightenment is a breath away.

Let your feet trod the earth with mindfulness and let each step that you tread upon the fertile ground plant the energy of love.  Do a love walk where you consciously imprint on the earth your steps, consciously invoking love to flow through you into the earth and to impart to the planet that love which can and does spread to others who follow in your footsteps.  This is the ladder of love that all can climb to reach the heavens.  It is metaphorical, and yet it is so very real. I am Metatron, and I ask that you invoke me at your next meeting, gathering and radio transmission.  I will ask you to speak this message out to the world.  Love is everlasting and transformative to the world.  And now is the time to recognize this and claim it as your own.  Be faith filled in your endeavors, to know that your hands are the hands of God. Your mouth utters the words, the magic that transforms death to life.  You breathe and it awakens the world to the wonder of the magic you possess.  Be alive in your birthright, divine beings!

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Breaking Through the Veil

As you come upon a new door to open, do you hesitate?  Do you quietly approach and listen first, fearing what may be on the other side?  Why not knock and see who opens that door?  If you have even a modest amount of faith in your own power as a divine being, you will be pleased to note that there is always something wonderful waiting for you on the other side!  It is like a patronage to a holy site, when you come and knock on that door that is inside of you.  You are paying homage to the One who always is available and is always there to open that door to you.   Why do you wait until you are sad, lonely, rejected or hurt to come crawling to the door?  When you have someone here who is ready and open for you to come inside and receive love, tenderness, compassion and healing.  Someone here is ready to give you everything you could possibly want and all you have to do is come and get it!  You see?  There is really no mystery any more about who you are or where you stand in the great mystery of Life.  There is nothing more to know right now other than you are being held, suspended by a life force that is benevolent, loving and kind.  It has only one thing to ask of you and that is, that you become who you are.  Awaken now to the person, the being you are inside of you.  And as for this discussion, we will remind you quickly:  faith filled and ever present in the Now you are both male and female, negative and positive, hard and soft, Yin and Yang.  Both the old and the young, the new and the experienced. You are the Alpha and the Omega.  Both sides of all that is are You.  Here and Now I charge you with being this in reality, in the flesh.  Embrace all of You.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Mid-Life Awakening - Not a Crisis!

Just as a baby must come into this world knowing only what it brought with it from another dimension and has to learn about the physical world and its physical body, so too do you upon reaching the threshold of what you would call "mid-life" come to a new place where you have brought with you all that you have learned from being in this physical world and body and now must learn what you can about your true nature.
This is where the rubber meets the road, spiritually speaking.  In this time of your life, for some earlier and for some later, there is a place where you have attained mastery over this physical world.  You know your body and what it can do, you know the place where you live and work, the people in your circles of friends and family, and you know the extent of your experience having lived the number of years you have.  What you may not know yet or what you may begin feeling the need to learn is who you really are.

Underneath the cloak of the body and the mind is a further description of you that encompasses all that you were, are and will be.  It is the Universal body that you are which demands now to become known to you as intimately as you know any other thing about yourself at this point.  the Universal body is a body of light and thought, emotion and wisdom gained from countless incarnations into various existences not only on an earthly plane, but in other worlds and universes.  You are a multi-dimensional, multi-universal being who is composed of stardust (thought form energy) that stems from One who has dreamed you into existence.

Just as you would dream an invention in your mind, then sketch it, then calculate its dimensions, then determine its components and materials then assemble it, so too does Your Creator dream you, sketch you, compose you and play you as a part of a great symphony of individual notes in a composition of great depth and beauty.  You are so much more than you could possibly imagine, and for now, it is really only necessary that you know this and that you allow yourself to be played by the Creator in the arrangement that was intended.  Your own personality and desires lend themselves to the distinct uniqueness of your sound, however there is a place for you in the overall song.  And your note is meant to be played at a certain pitch, for a certain length and in conjunction with other notes, at times, to create harmonies.

When you are ready to move beyond what you know here in this physical world, and when you are starving for new food to eat and new nourishment, then come and call upon us.  Archangels Raziel and Sandalphon now can give you graces to enter into an apprenticeship of sorts such that you can be given the proper initiation into learning these deeper mysteries of yourself.  Stay tuned by focusing energy and attention inside of yourself first (quieting thoughts and achieving a state of purity of being still), then to Nature and the workings of her servants (bees, birds, plants, elements like water and fire and wind, etc), then to the outer world and your interaction with it.  Notice how you treat yourself and others, the words you speak, the thoughts you think and begin shifting them to harmonize with your inner self and Nature.  Miracles are in good working order these days,  and this is the key to realizing them as they are happening all around you!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Let Go and Live!

Consequences of right action are right outcomes.  When you give yourself over to living in this way, in the way of the Light, you come to realize that there are consequences to your actions.  While some would say that consequences are negative, we say they are positive and uphold the idea that with your actions you can indeed create a positive and uplifted outlook on the world in which you live.  Behaving in a way that is considered to be non judgmental, or somewhat open to others diversity and habits is to say that you are not inhabiting the mind of the world; you are inhabiting the mind of spirit or light.  When you rise above implications, that the thoughts you think and the powers you hold in your heart are here to help create your experience, then you live and understand that in all things there are consequences.  Your experiences are the consequences of your way of life.   

So bring us to the table with you when you eat and lie down in bed with us at night. Live as one of us so that you may see and understand how we view this Way.  It is the way that has been taught by many masters and it is also the way that you find your individual and collective freedom.  Your topic of letting go includes a discussion on being ever present in the now and releasing the past.  Accomplishments or lack there of are just one example of something you can indeed let go of, for in the present moment your past accomplishments mean very little.  It is what you are doing at this moment that matters to your experience.  Just as you had your satori this week in the car, Rita you have learned to let go of all connections to the past and the future. 

 In that moment you truly felt what it was like to be fully alive and timeless, a being of incredible strength and energy, light and love.  Tears flowed did they not?  Why do you suppose you convulsed in both laughter and tears?  It is because you are and were at that moment fully engaged in the now and also, realizing the benefits and joy that comes from a human experience.  It is not all pain and suffering now is it?  There are times in your life when you can glean something beneficial from any and all states of consciousness be they harmful or beneficial. And you have learned that even though this life is temporary and transitory, in that moment, you were experiencing all that life wants to give you, pure joy and love, complete with enjoyment of your senses and your body, in perfect harmony with nature and your surroundings.  What a joy it is to let go and live!