Consequences of right action are right outcomes. When you give yourself over to living in this
way, in the way of the Light, you come to realize that there are consequences
to your actions. While some would say
that consequences are negative, we say they are positive and uphold the idea
that with your actions you can indeed create a positive and uplifted outlook on
the world in which you live. Behaving in
a way that is considered to be non judgmental, or somewhat open to others
diversity and habits is to say that you are not inhabiting the mind of the world;
you are inhabiting the mind of spirit or light.
When you rise above implications, that the thoughts you think and the powers
you hold in your heart are here to help create your experience, then you live
and understand that in all things there are consequences. Your experiences are the consequences of your
way of life.
So bring us to the table
with you when you eat and lie down in bed with us at night. Live as one of us
so that you may see and understand how we view this Way. It is the way that has been taught by many masters
and it is also the way that you find your individual and collective
freedom. Your topic of letting go
includes a discussion on being ever present in the now and releasing the past. Accomplishments or lack there of are just one
example of something you can indeed let go of, for in the present moment your
past accomplishments mean very little.
It is what you are doing at this moment that matters to your
experience. Just as you had your satori this week in the car, Rita you have learned to let go of all connections to the
past and the future.
In that moment you
truly felt what it was like to be fully alive and timeless, a being of
incredible strength and energy, light and love.
Tears flowed did they not? Why do
you suppose you convulsed in both laughter and tears? It is because you are and were at that moment
fully engaged in the now and also, realizing the benefits and joy that comes from
a human experience. It is not all pain
and suffering now is it? There are times
in your life when you can glean something beneficial from any and all states of
consciousness be they harmful or beneficial. And you have learned that even
though this life is temporary and transitory, in that moment, you were experiencing
all that life wants to give you, pure joy and love, complete with enjoyment of
your senses and your body, in perfect harmony with nature and your surroundings. What a joy it is to let go and live!