I have always felt that each individual has a responsibility to dig deeper into the meaning of their lives, to ask questions of themselves such as, "why am I here?" and "who am I". It goes without saying that in the process of asking these questions I have been opened up to a variety of spiritual teachers, to abilities I didn't know I had, and to a new way of perceiving and responding to life that for me is all about experiencing joy in the NOW and serving others.
When I was doing my daily meditations this morning, I felt called to select a rune. I chose:
Algiz: Rune of Protection and Opportunity

Algiz means “sedge.” It is associated with opportunity for growth, safe refuge and protection. It represents a successful quest, awareness, wisdom, vision and clarity. These are the qualities that tie Algiz with the Hermit card for in the safe refuge of withdrawal and solitude the Hermit follows an inner quest for wisdom, vision and growth.
This Rune is related to the Tarot card The Hermit.
According to a fabulous Tarot site, The Hermit can be understood as: "I have seen it all, I have done it all, and now I have chosen a life of solitary contemplation. I have found that the fire of truth burns within me, and my greatest joy is finding the stillness within so I may be at one with my Source.
I have withdrawn deep into the woods, for my connection with nature still feeds my soul. Seekers of the truth come to me, and I welcome pilgrims, teaching them to connect with their own divinity.
My concern is no longer so much with self, for I have found my genuine self and am secure in my value as an individual. I realize now that my greater responsibility is to the collective . My spiritual energy contributes to the evolution of the human spirit."
How interesting that I was feeling this so exactly and that when combined, the rune and the tarot make for a very accurate assessment of my current state of being.
I encourage you to take some time to look into the uses of these two tools. Pick up a sack of Rune tiles at a book store or shop and pull one out, or just visit Runemaker.com and go to the bottom of the page to see the list of rune symbols. Select one that resonates with you and read the meaning. I love doing this as a practice because it helps me look deeper into areas of myself and gives me a practice for further study.
Many blessings to you!